- CSID Cares
- Treatment
- Dietary Supplements
Some individuals with Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency (CSID) have used over-the-counter dietary supplements with varying degrees of success. Some individuals have found dietary supplements to be helpful in reducing the gastrointestinal symptoms associated with isomaltase deficiency.
Therefore, they have looked into supplements for this purpose. It should be noted that dietary supplements differ from prescription medication in several important ways. First, dietary supplements are not FDA-approved. This means that they are not subject to the same standards of rigor or manufacturing quality control as prescription medications. Secondly, there are vast potency differences between dietary supplements and prescription medications.
Finally, enzymes are proteins and are subject to degradation. Most dietary enzyme supplements are not dispensed in refrigerated packages. As a result, the enzymes contained in these supplements may not survive the packaging and shipping process intact. Before taking a dietary supplement, you should discuss it with your physician.